Telephone Town Hall

I’m trying a new thing this year – a “telephone” town hall. I sit with a headset and we have an autodialer call as many of you as we can. We give you the opportunity to stay on the call if you want to participate. Others who have done this have had thousands of people stay on the line. I can’t imagine that many people are interested in what I have to say, but it’s worth a shot.

Tuesday December 15th at 6:30 pm.

If you don’t get a call, you can call in yourself toll-free at 877-229-8493. Participants will be prompted to enter an ID code which is 15390. You can call in up to ten minutes early.

I’ll also be “liveblogging” the call, whatever that means. I’ll practice on Monday so it’s not stupid… To participate online: To join the live blog, click through from my legislative website at or follow along on Twitter by following @rosshunter or searching #rosshunter.

I don’t usually like these as I think I should stand up in a meeting and take your questions directly. It’s too easy in a format like this to only take convenient questions. However, they reach many more people than are able to physically come to a town hall meeting. I’m experimenting. If you like it, let me know and I’ll do more of them.

We have a real town hall in early January as well.

Thursday Jan 7th, 6:30 PM
Kirkland City Hall – Peter Kirk Room
123 Fifth Avenue
Kirkland, WA

Author: Ross

I am the Director of the Department of Early Learning for Washington State. I formerly represented the 48th Legislative District in the State House of Representatives, chairing the Appropriations committee and spent many a year at Microsoft.

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