Education Agenda for 2010

I just posted a bunch of entries on my blog ( that are part of what needs to happen this year on the K-12 front. I broke it up so that the items would be readable, unlike my multi-page newsletters…

2010 will be a pivotal one for education in Washington at all levels. There are a handful of key issues:

  1. Funding. The overall budget is a disaster, with precipitous revenue declines threatening our ability to provide children with an adequate, let alone an ample education. Last year we made substantial cuts in K12 funding, though much lower as a percentage of the budget than any other area. I expect we will have to make additional cuts again this year.
  2. Local levies.  There is a structural problem with local levies that is exacerbated when the state cuts its contribution. We need to take corrective action, preferably at a one-day special session in December.
  3. Race to the Top. President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan have created a very large ($5.4 billion) fund to incent states to implement school improvement strategies. Washington is not currently in the running for this given the policies we have in place. There is an effort I’m helping with this year to improve our chances of winning some of this money.
  4. Math/Science standards. I’ve worked successfully  over the past few years to make improvements  in our math and science standards. Unfortunately the Superintendent of Public Instruction has proposed a set of changes to graduation  requirements that would result in serious reductions in the level of preparedness of our students. I will oppose these changes.

Local School Levies

School districts are allowed to raise local levies to fund things that are not “basic education.” The state limits the amount they can raise to a percentage of the total they receive in state and federal funding. This is so that districts like Bellevue don’t raise twice as much as districts like Yakima. The standard formula is that districts can raise up to 24% of what we call the “levy base,” the total state and federal funding. Some districts are allowed to raise more for obscure historical reasons. For example Bellevue is allowed to raise 30%, Lake Washington 25%, and Seattle 34%.

The amount districts get resulting from initiative 728 and 732 is substantial – it could be as much as $750 or more per student. We’ve had to suspend these initiatives this year, which means that the levy base for the district goes down. If the levy base goes down, the amount that a district can collect in local property taxes goes down, even though voters have already voted to approve the higher amount. It’s like the voters wrote a check that the districts are being prohibited from cashing.

HB 1776 allows districts to compute their levy base as if they were still getting the 728 and 732 money. This doesn’t cost the state money and allows local voters control over what they do.

We tried to pass this bill last year right at the end of the session but it got hung up in the budget discussions. We had it up for a vote on the last day but did not have time to finish the debate. There are complex timing issues about school levy planning that make it important to pass in December for districts that have levies on the ballot this year.  To make this happen the governor needs to call a special session. We are in Olympia for a few days in December anyway and this would therefore cost very little money and should be relatively non-controversial. For her to do this she will need to be convinced that the House and Senate are willing to pass only this bill and not get sidetracked doing other stuff that can wait for January.

Waiting for January will needlessly complicate the lives of districts that have local levies in front of voters in February.

Race To The Top Funding

The Obama administration under Education Secretary Arne Duncan has made $4.35 billion available to districts that demonstrate they are making progress in four areas:

  1. Standards and Assessments
  2. Data Systems to Support Instruction
  3. Great Teachers and Leaders
  4. Turning Around Struggling Schools

We have real work to do in order to have even a remote chance of winning any of this money. There are two absolute requirements: 1) approval of state applications in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, and 2) no statutory or regulatory barriers to linking data about student achievement to teachers and principals for the purposes of evaluation.

Governor Gregoire has decided to not spend the time necessary to prepare an application for round 1, as we are assured of not winning. Winning in Round 2 will require the legislature to pass some changes. Fortunately we have met the absolute requirements. I inserted an amendment to a bill 2 years ago that requires school districts to report data linking students to teachers, classes taken, and principals. It’s taking a while to collect this, but we are getting there piece by piece.

To get any of this money we believe that we will have to make the following changes:

  • Allow the Superintendent of Public Instruction to intervene in schools that are chronic failures. If a particular school fails children for generations, the state should be able to take action, relieving the local district of control if necessary. This has been blocked by state law for more than a decade.
  • Make changes to how teachers are assigned to schools to ensure that there is equitable distribution of highly-qualified teachers to low-performing schools. The opposite tends to be true. Marguerite Roza at the University of Washington has done interesting work in this area.
  • Report on the effectiveness of teacher and principal preparation programs. I expect this to be difficult, as there isn’t much data available. A lot of the data about teacher certification is still stored on microfiche in the basement of the OSPI building, making it difficult to link the student achievement data together with the information about which school a teacher went to.
  • Differentiate teacher and principal effectiveness based on student growth and use that data for compensation, evaluation, and tenure decisions. This sounds like a no-brainer, but is really, really difficult to implement in a fair way. I was part of a group of legislators made a proposal on this last year as part of a comprehensive plan to revamp our compensation system. We may have reached further than people were willing to go, but to get this money I believe we will need significant effort here.
  • Promote charter schools. This won’t happen. I am hopeful that the scoring system doesn’t depend totally on this, but after the defeat at the polls in 2004 I don’t expect any significant change here.

I’m not particularly hopeful that we’ll get any of the money, but agree with most of the proposals, or at least in their direction. We are still working out how these changes will be proposed in legislation. More as we work out the details.

Education Funding in 2010

This will be a difficult year for short-term funding of education in Washington, and in almost all of the other states. In 2009 we cut everything that moved in the budget, but made the smallest cuts in the K-12 budget. I expect this to be true in 2010 as well, and will work hard to keep it that way.

Last year we passed HB2261, the start of a long-term process to re-write how our state funds public education. As is typical, I am willing to make changes more rapidly than many of my co-workers, and much more rapidly than the many, many vested interests in the existing system. I’m learning to be more patient, though it’s very painful. In reality, getting it right is pretty important. Last year we approved the outline for about half of the changes that need to happen, and set up a process to get the other parts closer to decisions.

Continue reading “Education Funding in 2010”

Education Standards

As all of you who have children know, they will often live up to what you expect of them, as long as they believe the expectations are reasonable. My consistent belief is that we should expect all of our students to graduate from high school ready to succeed in whatever it is they want to do, as long as that something isn’t lying around playing video games. Our children should be able to either be prepared to go to college, go to some kind of technical school, or otherwise be prepared for a career that pays them a living wage.

More and more this requires education after high school. The superintendent of public instruction (SPI) Randy Dorn just came out with a proposal in this area I find to be a significant step backwards. For example, he thinks we should require kids to only have two years of mathematics to graduate.

I disagree, and will work hard to implement what the state board of education has been working on – “Core 24,” a significant increase in the level of rigor we require as a state. ( I do not believe that lowering our requirements is a good strategy for improving outcomes for our children. Furthermore, I believe it will do significant harm to the most vulnerable kids – those without strong parental pressure at home, strong community supports, and all the other elements that more well-to-do  families often have and that less well off families struggle to provide. Lowing standards does a serious disservice to our most at-risk children, and will make the achievement gap worse.

Budget Stalemate in Albany Puts Strain on New York State –

It’s worth reading this article in today’s NY Times about how dysfunctional the NY legislature is in dealing with their budget problem. We will have a significant problem this year and I hope we won’t display the same inability to work together to resolve the problem.

Budget Stalemate in Albany Puts Strain on New York State –

Incremental Progress on the SR-520 Bridge

Last year the legislature passed a bill (HB2211) that authorized tolling on 520 starting in 2010. I voted against this for a variety of reasons, but mostly because the bill limited the potential uses of the tolling revenue to only the floating part of the bridge, leaving the eastside approaches waiting. We’re ready to go and only need authorization to start.

The Westside wants to make sure that our project doesn’t start until they get funding for their half. I’d be ok with that if they would only decide on what they want. They are scattered all over the place with competing factions right and left. Sometimes it seems that they are more interested in delaying the project than they are in resolving the design to something that works.

The bill last year set up a process we should use to resolve the design issues and propose a funding plan. The taskforce created in this legislation voted 11-2 today to approve the “A+” option, one of the last designs left standing. The final two contenders were “A+” and “M”.

Continue reading “Incremental Progress on the SR-520 Bridge”

Sound Transit East Link public workshop in downtown Bellevue

Sound Transit included the following blurb in the weekly easatside tranpsortation news WSDOT sends out. These are typically useful events with lots of charts, maps, and staff around to answer questions. It’s probably worth going by for 15 minutes to look at what the options are if you’re interested in Link Light Rail on the Eastside.

If you live or work on the Eastside, Sound Transit wants you to mark your calendar for Wednesday, Nov. 18. That’s when you can learn more about East Link’s downtown Bellevue preferred route and stations, as well as the tunnel alternatives, and provide comments about how East Link can best serve you. The workshop will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. (with a presentation at 5 p.m.) at Bellevue City Hall, 450 110th Ave. N.E.

Another Bizarre Supreme Court Decision

Today the WA State Supreme Court issued a decision in the Federal Way school district case. Federal Way sued the state complaining that our distribution of funds did not meet the constitution’s requirement for a “general and uniform” way of funding schools. In specific, the district complained that since allocations to school districts for teacher salaries were based on historical patterns from over a quarter of a century ago it was effectively arbitrary and capricious.

I personally agree with Federal Way – there is no rational basis for the distribution other than political expediency.

The Supreme Court disagreed. I have not completely read the opinion, but it seems convoluted to me.

Light Rail over 520?

Sound Transit Preferred Alternative on the Eastside
Sound Transit Preferred Alternative on the Eastside

A couple of people have suggested quite publicly that we reconsider the decision to put light rail on the I-90 bridge. I sent this as an email reply to Dave Thomas, who publishes a reliably interesting newsletter ( in response to an article in the most recent edition (#198.)

520 doesn’t work as the initial light rail route across Lake Washington for a variety of reasons. Personally, I’d love to have a train running across 520 and have tried to negotiate to get this. I’ve been convinced it’s not the right thing to do first. The Eastside legislative delegation has negotiated that the new bridge will have the capacity for, and that the design will not preclude, light rail in the future when it makes sense. The short-term reasons to stay with the I-90 route:

  1. You would have to dig extensive (expensive) tunnels to get anywhere interesting. You can’t easily hook up with the train through the U-District – it’s too deep to get to from Lake Washington. Current train technology doesn’t climb hills as steep as it would take to get to I-5. You’d have to go under, and then under Lake Union.
  2. There isn’t enough capacity on the north-south train on the west side to take all the commuters from the Eastside into downtown Seattle even if you let them off at Husky Stadium and had them take the elevator down.
  3. The design has been done and agreed to for years. Re-opening it is a disaster. I would like a north-south route on the Eastside. Nevertheless, this region needs to learn how to make decisions and execute on them. We cannot keep re-negotiating deals.
  4. Bellevue is a critical job center, and growing much faster (in jobs) than most other parts of the Eastside. This is mostly by design, and it has to be the center of the train route so that we get the density of both housing and jobs we need around the stations.
  5. The environmental sensitivity is largely if you cross the Mercer Slough at I-90 to get to the BNSF route, which isn’t going to happen. The train will almost certainly run up Bellevue Way and over 112th and into downtown Bellevue. (People will argue with me over this, but the preferred route by both Sound Transit and the City of Bellevue is the Bellevue Way one.)

 I agree that it looks like a good idea on first glance.  Once you spend some time looking at it you start to understand why the decisions were made the way they were. If all you care about is vehicle capacity you might want to leave I-90 alone, and that’s (I believe) where the suggestion came from. A functional system runs over I-90 initially.

As a region we have made this decision, and many other decisions that hinge on it, over and over again for the last decade. We should just execute.