I’m pleased to report that I won this year, and will be back serving the residents of the 48th district for another 2 years. I expect these to be difficult years as we work through the tail (we hope) of the worst economic downturn since WW II. Our budget work this year will be difficult. I’ll continue to post detailed policy thoughts on this website over entire term, and will attempt to release monthly email newsletters. Signup info will be availble soon.
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Congratulations, Ross. You really pulled it out in the final stretch. Amazing in these times and demonstrates your strength – Tom, too.
Superintendent Dr. Chip Kimball is now a Trustee on the Redmond Chamber of Commerce. He’s working with CEO Bob Malte of Evergreen to bring additional community health services to LWSD (and the other two school districts.) Malte is re-allocating levy dollars from debt service to community health. – at least he indicated so at the annual Budget Hearing. I’m pushing for Obesity care.